I am dubbing this once in a blue moon full moon New Year--which begins with ten-foot tall blue people with tails (as Mihku calls them!) saving their planet from techno-military-industrialization with arrows--the New Year of the Arrow.
Inside me and in those around me, I am finding strengthened clarity of purpose and claiming of agency as 2010 begins to begin. May your arrows this year fly with a minimum of confusion, straight from the center to their intended homes.
It is still early in this world, do you hear me
The beasts have not been tamed, do you hear me
My spilled blood and the pointed, do you hear me
Like a ram running the skies
Snapping the stars' branches, do you hear me
It's me, do you hear me
I love you, do you hear me
--Odysseus Elytis, from The Monogram, trans. Olga Broumas