--I am excited to be judging the first Wild Weeds Poetry Contest in honor of Susun Weed's seven favorite weeds. I am a serious fan of Susun's work. My physical health and overall vibrancy in life has been vastly improved by drinking nettle and other infusions as she taught me. My sense of commitment and community as a poet has been charged and enhanced, and the name of this blog even partially inspired, by my completion of her Green Witch Intensive and initiation by her as a Green Witch two summers ago. And my psyche is still slowly, silently, and I am sure unstoppably, being re-attuned and redirected by the hour my daughter and I spent talking with a small plant, one whose name we learned only later, during her Talking With Plants workshop.
These experiences have nourished me as a person and also as a poet, strengthening my intuition, my sense of adventure, my capacity to zero in on the wordless core from which true words come, and my sense of how much one person really can help the world to heal. I'm grateful to be involved in a contest that will help advance knowledge of Susun's necessary and timely work—and I'm looking forward to the poems I'll be reading over the next couple of months!
If you are curious about my own poems and want to "know the judge" (to quote the game Apples to Apples), there are poems at my website. Check out the Spiral!
Wild Weeds Poetry Contest Details:
--Information on the seven weeds here
--Information on the seven weeds here
--No minimum or maximum length; no entry fee
--Deadline Sept 1, 2010
--Please paste poem into the body of an email (not an attachment)
--Please put Wild Weeds Poetry Contest in subject header.
--Until the winner is announced, entries will be posted here at the Wisewomen Tradition blog--feel free to check out the competition! The winning poem will be published on the Weed's Wisewomen website in September, and winner receives a free copy of one of Weed's books. I'll be posting the winning poem and some honorable mentions here also, with some closing thoughts and comments.
Till then, keep it spiralling!